Plan9’s startups emerge victorious in Momentum Tech Conference

This is just the second month of 2017, and already Pakistan has seen some exceptional entrepreneurial events being conducted in several parts of the country. All of these events mutually agree to one goal; to boost the entrepreneurial culture of Pakistan by introducing startups to potential investors. Recent events like Startup Weekend, Get in the Ring, Open events are an ideal place for startups to participate. One other 2 days event was held on 6th and 7th of February by the name of Momentum Tech Conference in Expo Center, Karachi. The event focused on bringing an arena for the startups to compete in and letting the experts of this field to share their valuable percspective and highlight latest trends of internet driven business.

The competition began with 24 startups being selected from 180 startups by competent mentors. They were then given the stage to pitch their idea to the jury and audience. The 24 shortlisted startups from Plan9 included:

  • Gesdrive,
  • Freightix,
  • DIY Geeks,
  • Azauj
  • CampusFeed
  • Capital Stake
  • XGear
  • pk
  • Euphoria
  • Baby Planet
  • Axis Communications
  • Cart99
  • Legal Nexus
  • Mapalytics
  • Nearpeer
  • Qayaam
  • Neurostic
  • Dastaan
  • Car Butlers
  • Car Chabi
  • pk
  • Uninama
  • Clique
  • Emoey

5 startups of Plan9 made it into the top 20. These were; DIY Geeks, Clique, Campus Feed, Car Butlers and, out of which Campus Feed and were able to conquer their place in the top 4. The top 3 positions were awarded a prize money of Rs. 10 lacs, Rs. 7 lacs and Rs. 3 lacs respectively. Plan9 was ecstatic to hear that both their startups; Nearpeer and Campus Feed, had secured positions. Neapeer remained 1st runners up and bagged Rs. 7 lacs for their startup while Campus Feed remained the 2nd runners up accepting prize money of Rs. 3 lacs. This cash prize will propel them to expand and develop their startups.


The competition was one part of the Momentum Tech Conference. The second part consisted of experts giving word of advice and their views on the current and coming era of entrepreneurship. This event exclusively educated young people as investors, business leaders, tech executives, speakers, startups and academia, all attended the event. Dr. Umar Saif, Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board, spoke on the topic ‘Why is innovation important for Pakistan’. Director Entrepreneurship Wing, PITB; Nabeel A. Qadeer was also a part of the panel where Pakistan’s Startup Ecosystem was discussed. Around 5000 people were present at Momentum Tech Conference 2017.

It was a moment of pride when two of Plan9’s startups won, but Plan9 was immensely pleased with the number of startups that participated under their umbrella.  Momentum Tech Conference is the exact kind of event that with the help of potential incubators will develop the entrepreneurial culture of Pakistan. Dr. Umar Saif, Chairman PITB have the same ideology as he expressed his pleasure at the event and said,

“I always enjoy being at events where I can see young entrepreneurs designing the future of Pakistan. This was indeed one of those days, when the budding entrepreneurs – the future of Pakistan took the limelight. I wish all of them the very best for their futures.”


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