Summer Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for youngsters happening in Lahore!

A summer camp is being organized in Lahore like none other. MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) Pakistan along with Information Technology University presents Summer Entrepreneurship Bootcamp. This five week long camp will be conducted from 11th July to 10th August 2017.

IMG_0421Our youth is brimming with ideas and innovations that need guidance to turn them into substantial creations, adequate to benefit all. Bootcamp is precisely made of up that team of assistance who will help young minds to develop their ideas and convert their business dream into a reality. The aim of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is to create an opportunity for driven youngsters to refine their entrepreneurial skills and motivate them towards entrepreneurship.

A rigorous training program is a key component of the Bootcamp, which will ultimately allow determined youngsters to explore and expand their skills through training in areas such as product ideation, communication skills, design thinking, public speaking, research, and business development.  The unique element of the Bootcamp is that it will allow the participants to experience the thrill of being part of an actual startup and understand how things are done in the world of business.

Out of over 50 applications, the top ten teams to make it to the Bootcamp applied within the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge and Idea Stage Competition categories. While one focuses on identifying a prevailing social issue in Pakistan the other is based on a childhood dream or a business idea that has the potential to convert itself into a viable business opportunity. Teams were shortlisted based on their ideas and team strength to be part of the Bootcamp. This camp is especially designed for the age group of 16-24, to help youngsters to work on their future from today.  IMG_0421

Lincoln Corners Lahore- of ITU will be hosting the program. In addition to that MIT Enterprise Forum Pakistan’s partner organizations AforYouth, Kinverg, and Makeistan will be hosting special sessions with the students that will groom their technical, social and business skills throughout the five-week program. IPAL will serve as the media partners for the program.

Vice Chancellor ITU, Dr. Umar Saif shared his opinion on the matter saying,

 “Such programs would help young Pakistani entrepreneurs gain global exposure and knowledge apprising them of their immense talent, creativity and potential. We look forward to making global success stories from Pakistan through this program.”

MIT Enterprise Forum Pakistan has been working strenuously to inculcate the youth of Pakistan in entrepreneurism. The Summer Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is one of the many youth driven programs organized under the banner of MIT Enterprise Forum Pakistan. MITEF Pakistan has aims set high as they want to create as many opportunities they can that not only cater towards inspiring new and young talent to explore the entrepreneurial space but also allows established startups to learn from industry experts, hence bridging the knowledge gap between the new and the old. One of the recent projects of MITEF Pakistan was The Startup School, which equipped startups and entrepreneurs with key skills needed to build a sustainable and successful startup.

MITEF Pakistan believes that potential entrepreneurs, particularly youngsters are the core engine of economic growth and they can reach their full potential only through exposure to similar programs. With this believe, MITEF Pakistan is working towards creating the environment which will help them achieve their aims.





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