Superior International Week Begins!

Gear Up, The World Is Coming To You!

Superior International Week 2018 Is Coming Your Way

Student engagement and connectivity being at the heart of their ethos, for the first time in its history, Superior University is organizing Superior International Week from 23rd to 30th of November.


Superior International Week aims to provide global experiences for its students. It comprises of a series of events ensuring participation from all academic circles from Pakistan and abroad.


This week, as the name implies, would serve as a great pathway for students, faculty and as well as the Superior University for global connections.




“Our vision is to become one of the leading universities of Pakistan driven by excellence, learning and innovation. ‘Student Success’ being our primary focus, we go every inch to make sure our students get the right exposure, knowledge, skills and attitude that turns them into 21st century effective individuals who contribute value to the economy of Pakistan. Superior International Week is an effort in the direction of our goal as it not only gives exposure to the students building their confidence but helps them build their leadership skills through networking, learning team play, critical thinking and public speaking. I on behalf of my entire faculty invite the students from across Pakistan to join us at Superior International Week,” says Dr. Sumaira Rehman – Rector Superior University.


The week will kick off with 3 days of Superior University Model United Nations (SUMUN) – an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to instill a sense of diplomacy and dialogue among its delegates.


SUMUN’18 will be followed by International Education Fair (powered by BREEO International) that will bring together international and national universities, trainers from various foreign consultation companies and alumni of international universities at the same platform. International Education Fair will also mark the official launch of Superior University’s foreign education career consultation company – BREEO International.


International Education Fair will segue into the Rectors’ Conference which will invite Rectors and Vice Chancellors from national and international universities to focus on the burning issue of “Redesigning Higher Education in Pakistan”. The conference will be followed by EURAS Academy bringing trainers from Eurasian Universities Union under one roof. EURAS Academy will open new global networks for students in Pakistan.


Superior International Week will end in two days of International Conference on Management Research (ICMR) bridging the gap between local and international researchers by bringing them on the same platform. This will be Superior University’s 9th ICMR and this time around it will focus on Business Excellence in Emerging Markets.


Below is the agenda for the event:

Date Event
23rd – 25th Nov Superior Model United Nations (SUMUN)
27th Nov International Education Fair
28th Nov Rectors’ Conference and EURAS Academy
29th – 30th Nov International Conference on Management Research



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