An Intro to Digital Marketing by Digital Academy and Kickstart

On 21st May, 2017, a seminar was conducted on Digital Marketing by Digital Academy™ and Kickstart in DHA, Lahore. Digital Academy™ offers numerous business courses suitable for the digital era. Their aim is to educate and train the business owners, professionals and students on how to leverage the digital economy and start earning online from anywhere they are while Kickstart is community driven co-working space for entrepreneurs and freelancers.Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing - Digital Academy 02


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The seminar was conducted by Usman Latif, the founder of Digital Academy™ and Digital Marketing Pakistan™. This seminar was important in his eyes as he said,

“Digital platforms have already become the habits in our lives. It’s just a matter of time when every business will feel the need to go digital. The ones (businesses) who are already marketing their businesses on digital platforms are way ahead of their competition, but there’s still a lot to be done to make traditional businesses aware of this avenue and train them on how to leverage this new medium.”

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In this age of digitization, the scope of doing business online has increased tenfold. The purpose of this seminar was to guide startups and freelancers on the tactics of digital marketing so that their business could thrive online. The session focused on equipping the audience with a framework that can effectively guide the process of conception of growth hacking strategies and how digital marketing channels can be leveraged to grow the online and offline businesses. Along with this, the basics of growth hacking, digital marketing and how different models can be used by different businesses to grow their user base was told to the audience. This would benefit them in getting more leads and eventually sales of their digital assets.

Usman Latif used the classic purchasing funnel to guide and structure the thoughts of audience. He then reinforced his discussion by randomly choosing few businesses and mapped out their customer journeys on a whiteboard. At the end of the session, participants had dissected the aforementioned purchasing funnel and had a framework to devise their digital marketing strategy.

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Saad Riaz, community manager of Kickstart, opened the session and talked about Kickstart saying it’s more than a space but rather a hub where entrepreneurs can come together and broaden their horizons. the seminar was concluded on an enthusiastic question and answer session where almost every person present took part. Overall, it proved to be a beneficial assembly for young startups who are looking to make a mark and for established businesses to take their next step into the digital world.


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