
Seasoned Lawyer Demystifies “Startups As Legal Entities”

Startups and entrepreneurship are the backbone of an economy and its growth. And economic recessions are breeding grounds for entrepreneurs and startups.  When an entrepreneur enters a market to showcase their unique idea and services, it could either lead to glorious success or an abject…


ICube to hold #HackThePad, a Women’s Health and Hygiene Conference

FreshStart has some wonderful news to announce! ICube Digital, an offshoot of Peace university, USA, is holding Pakistan’s first ever Women Health and Hygiene Conference, labelled #HackThePad, at the Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services in F-5/2 Islamabad, near Ataturk Avenue. FreshStart will be acting as…


Attention Lahore Techies: THE MIX has it all!

The burgeoning technology and startup community finally has an event for the public in Lahore, in which not only can attendees see the progress the nascent startup community has made, but can also attend talks by esteemed and notable figures in the technology space in…

SimSim brings cashless transactions to Pakistan

On 22nd of May, 2017, Plan9 strikes another remarkable partnership with SimSim, an e-wallet application, to enable cashless transactions for the first time in Pakistan. SimSim has recently begun its maneuvers in Arfa Software Technology Park, Lahore. SimSim has been developed by Finja in association with Finca Bank…
